The pattern of Worship in Eridge Church

Open for private prayer from approximately 9.30am until 5.30pm every day. (Slightly later opening on Sunday)

First Sunday of each month

9.15 am   Holy Communion

A celebration of the Eucharist. *
There is no organist at this service, but we have recorded music to accompany the service and to lead us in singing which is played through the sound system

*A note on the language we use. 

Holy Communion, which is also called the Eucharist, Mass or the Lord's Supper, is a service we have in common with almost all Christians. 
Christians don't say that they 'do' or 'carry out' the Eucharist; they 
celebrate it. 
This service is a re-enactment of the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples before his arrest, and eventual crucifixion. 
At the meal Jesus ate bread and wine and instructed his disciples to do the same in memory of him

Second  Sunday of each month

9.15am Morning Prayer
A service of prayer, readings from the bible, preaching and hymn singing - using the liturgy from Common Worship.

Our organist plays for us

WORSHIP 720Cross against sunset

Third  Sunday of each month

9.15 am  Holy Communion*

Our organist plays for us

Fourth  Sunday of each month

9.15 am Holy Communion*

Our organist plays for us

If there is a Fifth Sunday in the month 

 Morning Prayer at 9.15 am led by our Reader
